Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fantastically FLAWED!

I was driving to work this morning and feeling pretty bad about myself. Yes, even I have moments of negativity and times of discouragement. I lite up a cigarette and thought in my head, "There you go Faith, you swore off smoking, and once again you weren't able to commit to something as simple as keeping yourself healthy." Suddenly I thought of all the other things I haven't been doing: Yoga, walking my dogs regularly, making time for my girlfriends, calling my sister back, eating better...Gosh, the list goes on and on.
Then like someone had banged me over the top of my head with a fry pan, I realized - I AM NOT PERFECT!!! We all have times in our life that we don't accomplish everything we set out to do. Instead of beating ourselves up, we need to understand that sometimes we need to step away from our perfectly planned goals, and accept the fact that we can't always get the things on our list done.
Perhaps the reason we can't get our list finished is because we have overstretched ourselves and and it's time to say, "Listen up body and mind, I need to slow down. I'm not going to be able to follow today's 'to-do' list."
Besides, life isn't about a to-do list. Life is about our personal relationships with our friends, our family, our animals, our planet. Maybe the reason we aren't able to accomplish our 'list' is because we have managed to neglect our personal relationships that the list simply can't get done. What a vicious cycle to then beat ourself up for it.
Take a moment to accept your flaws, in fact embrace them - that's what makes you YOU. Reflect on your to-do list - if you are not accomplishing what's on the list, you aren't the one that needs to change - it's your list that needs to change!
Go nurture yourself, the people, and animals that you love. In the meantime, I'm going to have a guilt free cigarette and know in my heart that I will quit one day. Just not today, because I am FANTASTICALLY FLAWED!


  1. Very well said and agreed 100%!!

  2. Great post Faith, you are so inspiring and realistic, the world needs more of that!
